Welcome on Stéphane Pion's blog

dimanche 28 août 2011

Siberia 2011

Back from Siberia after a 10 days self support trip in the middle of nowhere, close the Baikal lake.

The Adidas team member Tomass Marrnics organised a trip guided by himself on the
Sayan area with the goal to do the Kitoy river with a pretty good team from five different
countries (France, Germany, England, Latvia and Russia). 250 kms on really good white-
water and beautiful scenery.

It’s in Irkutsk that the trip was started for all the French guys who were part of the trip,
Tomass came to the airport to bring us and meet the other paddlers.
After a six hours drive, we were at the put-in of the kitoy river and started the first kms to the
first campsite by night
At the morning, we put the food in every boats and off we went to start and enjoying
the kitoy river.

Not many french people can have this kind of self upport experience in France, so it was a really good opportunity for them to get a good whitewater experience of group living, good
cohesion and team spirit on the river. Each days we ate rice, pasta or lens with some fresh fish fished by our self.

The rest of the river was magic, sometimes grade II on amazing scenery to grade IV in
some awesome gorges with nice big water. One portage of 40 min to avoid a nasty rapid
with many siphons on one of part of the kitoy river. We arrived on the Ekhe-gol river, one of
tributary to do a waterfall. Just benny the clown was courageous enough to did it.
Then, We got back in the gorge of the Kitoy river with more and more water and some big
rapids grade IV. Some paddlers tasted and enjoy the swim !!
The evening we joined an other campsite on the Biluti confluence. Six hours of portage in
the Russian jungle to reach one of the put-in of the Biluti river. Waterfall, drops, slides in the
beautiful canyon with some nice colours.

We finished the Kitoy river in Irkoutsk by 80 kms grade II and a super vodka party with all
of new friends we are meet on this trip …

A ship price trip with a good organisation from Tomass and his friends who have been
building the campsite so fast every evening...
Many thanks to all of you !!
all information about this trip on this blog : http://marnics1.blogspot.com/

More photos here
Siberie 2011


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